Spookiness is in the air,
– DezigningArt
Halloween is almost here!
Celebrate this time of year,
With Ghostly drawings that look clear,
A cute and spooky pioneer!
Alright, alright, I’m no poet. But what better way to celebrate Halloween in 2023 than to make some cute (and easy) Halloween-themed drawings?
Rather than spending the time creating anything complicated, I decided to go basic and throw together some easy drawing ideas with samples! Whether you’re the next Picasso or someone that just started drawing, these should be frighteningly easy…
Do you see what I did there?
Anyways, let’s get to it.
Materials Used
- Pencil: Pentel Twist Erase III (0.7mm lead)
- Pen: Pigma Micron pens (Assorted Sizes)
- Eraser 1: Mr Pen Eraser Pencil
- Eraser 2: Kneaded Eraser
- Paper: Any Sketchbook
1 – A Simple Black Cat
What more is there to say? It’s a cat. It’s simple. And it’s adorable!

2 – A Fancy Ghost
This ghost looks scary good.

3 – A Happy Bat
I bet this cute bat just found out he can save 15% or more on car insurance by switching to… what was that insurance company again?

4 – A Joyful Pumpkin
Alright, I’ll admit that this jack-o-lantern looks like he just smoked something weird… But I already drew him and didn’t have time to make another, lol.

5 – A Smiling Frankenstein
Surprisingly happy for someone that has stitches all over his face. If cute Frankenstein can be happy, so can you!

6 – A Witch Hat Wearing a Witch Hat
I don’t know what I was thinking here, but it was fun to make. A witch hat wearing a witch hat. I was tempted to add another hat, but decided against it. Take it or leave it, it’s up to you!

That’s All, Folks!
If I had more time, I certainly would have added more to this list. However, life as a father can get very busy. But I hope you enjoy the few drawings I have here! My personal favorite is the cat, but the hat with a hat was a fun one to draw!
I’m sure I’ll add more in the future, but for now I hope you have a happy Halloween! And enjoy my silly simple Halloween doodles!
cute I love the gost
Thank you! I really enjoyed drawing him! I think most things look good in a top hat, spectacles, and a bow tie. haha
me encanta el sombrero es muy lindo
so cute
Thank you! I’m really glad you enjoyed them!